Jared Leto Workout Routine and Diet Plan

Jared Leto is celebrated not only for his exceptional acting talent, which has earned him Academy Award nominations, but also for his seemingly ageless appearance. He was named one of the 50 Most Beautiful People in the World by People magazine consecutively in 1996 and 1997. His lean and athletic build has undoubtedly contributed to his recognition and the numerous accolades he has received.

What sets Jared Leto apart is his extraordinary commitment to his roles, which often involves significant changes in his physique to authentically portray his characters. Notably, he gained 60 pounds for his role in “Chapter 27,” a transformation that garnered widespread attention. Similarly, his drastically thin appearance for “Dallas Buyers Club” showcased his willingness to push his body to extremes for the sake of his craft.

His weight loss story: Jared Leto’s approach to preparing for his role in “Dallas Buyers Club” didn’t involve extensive gym workouts or a highly restrictive diet. Instead, he took an extreme measure by literally starving himself to achieve the physical appearance required for the role of a man suffering from AIDS. The character needed to appear frail, skinny, pale, and sickly, which meant that a toned physique would not be suitable. Leto’s commitment to the role led him to undergo a drastic transformation, resulting in a significantly emaciated appearance, with a shrunken waist and the disappearance of his six-pack abs, leaving him looking like skin and bones.

Undergoing such an extreme transformation required immense dedication from Jared Leto, despite it being an unhealthy method not recommended to anyone. Leto revealed in an interview, “I stopped eating,” highlighting the severity of his approach to the role. Initially, he monitored his weight closely, but after losing 30 to 40 pounds, he ceased to keep track. Ultimately, he weighed in at 114 pounds (51.7 kg) while standing 5 feet 9 inches tall (175 cm), which placed his body mass index (BMI) at an alarmingly low 16.8, categorizing him as underweight according to health standards.

The drastic weight loss Jared Leto underwent resulted in significant changes, both physically and mentally. He noted in an interview, “It changes the way you walk, the way you sit, the way you think,” emphasizing that the impact of losing weight extends beyond mere appearance, affecting one’s internal state and perceptions. Some individuals might find their thinking becomes clearer or their dreams more vivid, while others might feel more vibrant and perceptive. However, such extreme dieting carries substantial health risks, as starving the body can severely harm one’s health and immune system. Despite these dangers, Leto was monitored by a team of professionals who oversaw his entire weight loss journey, ensuring his safety throughout the process.

His weight gain story:

Jared Leto also experienced a drastic phase of weight gain, showcasing his remarkable commitment and willpower. However, he has shared the immense challenges and struggles associated with both losing and gaining significant amounts of weight, highlighting the physical and mental toll such transformations can take.

The acclaimed actor recounted his period of being overweight, describing it as akin to living in hell. It took him a full year to return to his customary lean physique, a journey marred by numerous health complications. Beyond the physical ailments, Leto also faced psychological challenges, including anxiety and depression. Having experienced the extremes of both weight loss and gain, he has gained a comprehensive perspective on the matter and asserts that he would never choose to undergo such drastic physical transformations again.

That’s pretty wise. But here are some of the key information about his diet and workout which he usually does when he tries to maintain his weight.

Jared Leto Body Statistics

Height: 5 ft 9 inches or 175 cm
Weight: 69 kg or 152 pounds
Chest: 43 inches or 109 cm
Biceps: 14 inches or 36 cm
Waist: 32 inches or 81 cm

Jared Leto Workout Routine

Here are some essential tips that Jared Leto keeps in mind:

  • He takes warm-ups seriously

Leto prioritizes a thorough warm-up of 10-20 minutes before diving into his intense workout regimen. This warm-up typically includes cycling, push-ups, pull-ups, and sit-ups, activities designed to activate and prepare his muscles for the strenuous exercise to follow. Such a routine not only readies him for the workout but also plays a crucial role in injury prevention.

  • Frequency of Exercise

Although he has a busy schedule, he tries to work out at least 5 times a day. He does weight training, cardio, and yoga sessions during the week.

  • Being outdoor is important

Leto has a preference for outdoor workouts, enjoying activities such as bike riding, running, surfing, and hiking. He ensures to stay active by engaging in these pursuits regularly throughout the week.

  • Meditating and getting Zen

Leto makes sure to meditate for 15-30 minutes every day. It helps him to be aware of his own body and focus on his work.

Training Volume:
5 days a week
3 days of weight training
2 days of cycling/yoga/outdoor activity

Day One: Weight Training – Chest and Triceps


20 minutes low-intensity bike

3×10 Pull-Ups

3×15 Push-Ups

3×20 Sit-Ups

The Workout:

5 sets of Barbell Bench Press: 10-8-5-5-3 (Max occasionally)


3 sets of both Tricep Pushdowns and Triceps Overhead Extension on Cables

One after another, all at 10 reps each.

3 sets of Incline Dumbbell Bench Press: 10-8-5

3 sets of Skull Crushers: 10-10-10

4 sets of Weighted Dips the first set being an unweighted warm-up: 15-15-15-15 (Using 45-75-90 as the weights if you’re able)

Ab Routine:

3 sets of Circuit:

50 Crunches

25 Leg Lifts

50 Crunches

25 V-Ups

Day Two: Cycling/Yoga/Outdoor Activity

Option One: Bike 10 Miles

Option Two: 1 Hour of Yoga

Option Three: 1-2 Hours of Semi-Strenuous Outdoor Activity (Tennis, Hiking, Surfing, etc.)

Day Three: Weight Training – Shoulders and Legs

The Warm-up:

20 minutes low-intensity incline walk

3×10 Pull-Ups

3×15 Push-Ups

3×20 Sit-Ups

The Workout:

5 sets of Barbell Squats: 10-10-5-5-3

3 sets of Arnold Presses: 10-10-10

3 sets of Leg Presses: 10-10-10

5 sets of Military Press: 10-8-5-5-3

3 sets of Calf Raises: 25-25-25


3 sets of both Shoulder Front Raises and Lateral Side Raises with light dumbbells

One after another, all 10 reps each.

3 sets of Heavy Shrugs (barbell or dumbbells): 20-15-10

Ab Routine:

3 sets of Circuit:

50 Crunches

25 Leg Lifts

50 Crunches

25 V-Ups

Day Four: Cycling/Yoga/Outdoor Activity

Option One: Bike 10 Miles

Option Two: 1 Hour of Yoga

Option Three: 1-2 Hours of Semi-Strenuous Outdoor Activity (Tennis, Hiking, Surfing, etc.)

Day Five: Back and Biceps

The Warm-up:

20 minutes low-intensity bike

3×10 Pull-Ups

3×15 Push-Ups

3×20 Sit-Ups

The Workout:

5 sets of Deadlifts: 10-5-5-5-3 (occasionally max when comfortable with form)

3 sets of Weighted Chin-Ups: 10-10-10

3 sets of Barbell Bent of Rows (can use Smith Machine if needed): 10-10-10

5 sets of Dumbbell Bicep Curls: 10-10-8-8-5

3 sets of Lat Pulldowns (cable): 10-10-10


3 sets of both Cable Bicep Curls and Cable Hammer Curls

One after another, all 10 reps each.

Ab Routine:

3 sets of Circuit:

50 Crunches

25 Leg Lifts

50 Crunches

25 V-Ups

Few other things besides gymming that he does:

  • He loves to practice sparring:

Leto’s training sessions, particularly when preparing for movie roles, are extremely rigorous and not suitable for everyone. He works with a team of professionals who assist him in undergoing such intense transformations. Additionally, he incorporates sparring and other boxing techniques into his routine to enhance his physical conditioning and sculpting. This approach was notably adopted during the filming of “Suicide Squad,” where sparring also served as a means for him to bond with his co-actors, as they trained together.

Leto trained under the guidance of Kemo Karate instructor Richard Mesquita, who subjected him to rigorous training sessions. The intensity of these sessions was such that Will Smith ended up tearing his calf muscle, and Joel Kinnaman sustained knee injuries. Despite these setbacks, they persevered, and by the end of their training, they had achieved the rank of yellow belts. Since that experience, Leto continues to practice sparring occasionally, now viewing it as an enjoyable part of his workout routine.

  • He trained as a bodybuilder

In addition to sparring, Leto is committed to intense gym workouts. He trains with his personal trainer, Brendan Johnston, who puts him through what he describes as a “boot camp.” Johnston designs specific exercises to engage all of Leto’s muscle groups comprehensively. When preparing for movie roles, Leto’s objective is to achieve a physique reminiscent of an MMA fighter, and this is the focus of their training regimen.

Leto’s current workout routine is heavily centered around bodybuilding exercises and weighted calisthenics, aimed at enhancing both his strength and endurance. Additionally, his sparring practice serves as a significant boost to his regimen, with his trainer noting that Leto was “throwing a lot of punches throughout the day.” To attain a fighter’s physique, incorporating cardio exercises is also essential. His workout schedule is structured to include four consecutive days of training followed by a day of rest.

  • Split Workouts and Supersets

Leto’s workouts are organized into various sets and supersets, incorporating numerous joint exercises and compound movements that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, fostering muscle growth. For instance, during his chest and tricep day, his routine features four supersets: triceps pushdown paired with overhead extensions, dumbbell presses, skull crushers, and weighted dips. This approach ensures a comprehensive and efficient workout targeting specific muscle groups effectively.

On other training days, Leto incorporated supersets, particularly during his legs and shoulders routine, though with less frequency. The focus on these days was on heavy lifting with lower repetitions to maximize power development. His legs and shoulders workouts featured fundamental exercises such as barbell squats, Arnold presses, leg presses, military presses, and calf raises. Similarly, his back and bicep routine emphasized heavy lifting to build strength, including exercises like deadlifts, chin-ups, and bent-over rows.

  • He made yoga a part of his routine

On days when Leto wasn’t engaged in intense gym workouts, he dedicated time to “active recovery,” steering clear of complete rest or idleness. Rather than lounging on the couch, he engaged in low-intensity activities designed to maintain blood circulation and allow his body to relax and rejuvenate. As part of this recovery approach, he incorporated yoga into his routine, which is known for its benefits in enhancing strength, mobility, and flexibility, thus supporting his overall fitness and well-being.

Engaging in stretching and maintaining yoga poses offers an effective means to destress by fostering balance and requiring concentration. The level of difficulty can vary from easy to challenging, especially when transitioning to more advanced poses. However, yoga stands out as an excellent exercise for promoting blood flow. Leto has described yoga as instrumental in developing a mind-body connection, significantly aiding in stress and anxiety reduction. Relaxation is a crucial component of any fitness regimen, and yoga serves as an ideal practice for active recovery, ensuring the body’s rejuvenation while remaining gently active.

  • He was inspired by his role models

Even someone as accomplished as Jared Leto looks to his own role models for inspiration. In his home gym, he has adorned the walls with photographs of icons like Bruce Lee and Arnold Schwarzenegger. The presence of these images serves as a powerful motivational tool, inspiring not only Leto but anyone who views them to push their limits during workouts. This approach underscores the importance of having sources of encouragement and motivation, which can significantly enhance the effectiveness of training sessions and drive individuals to achieve greater heights.

Jared Leto identifies as a homebody, which explains his preference for spending considerable time working out in his home gym. Additionally, he finds value in training alongside a co-star, as the mutual encouragement and motivation they provide each other helps both to finish their workouts with strong performances. For Leto, whether working out alone at home or alongside a colleague, both scenarios offer beneficial outcomes, contributing positively to his fitness routine.

  • He makes sure to sleep well

One of the key elements Jared Leto credits for his well-being isn’t an extensive workout regime or a strict diet, but rather something as fundamental as getting enough sleep. He emphasizes the importance of rest, stating in a Rolling Stone interview, “I would tell everyone to sleep as much as you can.” He elaborates on the significance of sleep and diet in maintaining health, especially highlighting the challenges posed by frequent long-haul travel and insufficient rest, suggesting that without proper sleep, one’s health and vitality may quickly deteriorate.”

Adequate sleep is crucial for the body to recuperate from a demanding day filled with intense workouts and a packed agenda. It facilitates the healing of muscles from the microtears and damage incurred during exercise, aiding in their growth and strengthening. Leto prioritizes his rest, ensuring he gets at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night to support his body’s recovery and overall health.

  • He meditates daily

Having experienced mental health challenges during periods of significant weight loss and gain, Jared Leto places a high value on mental well-being. Meditation has become an indispensable part of his daily routine, which he commits to without exception. Understanding the difficulty of sitting in silence, Leto opts for guided meditations through an app to facilitate his practice. This approach helps him maintain focus, fostering mindfulness and balance in his life, and underscores the importance he places on nurturing his mental health alongside his physical fitness.

Jared Leto’s serene demeanor can be largely attributed to his dedication to meditation, a practice that holds significant importance in his daily routine. Beyond its calming effects, meditation serves as a wellspring of creative inspiration for Leto, especially valuable given his dual career in music and acting. It provides him with the mental clarity needed to conceive new ideas and fosters an environment where he can concentrate on his creative pursuits, free from external distractions. This disciplined approach to mindfulness not only contributes to his tranquility but also fuels his artistic endeavors, enabling him to produce meaningful work.

  • He loves to go rock climbing

When not dedicating time to his gym routine, Jared Leto often seeks adventure in rock climbing, a pursuit he’s particularly fond of. Regardless of whether he’s preparing for a film role, Leto ensures he engages in climbing regularly. He views it not only as a means of physical exercise but also as an effective stress reliever and a way to enhance his mood. The activity contributes to his overall fitness and positively impacts his creative thinking. Leto expressed to Rolling Stone, “Any day I have at least a few moments in nature, I kind of feel better,” highlighting the therapeutic effect and sense of well-being he derives from being outdoors and connected to the natural environment.

One standout adventure for Jared Leto was scaling the 3,600-foot-tall El Capitan in Yosemite National Park, a feat that underscores his love for challenging himself and pushing the boundaries of his physical capabilities. He often invites friends to join him on these climbing excursions, fostering a shared experience of adventure and challenge. Rock climbing is particularly effective for building upper body strength, making it an excellent workout that combines physical exertion with the thrill of conquering natural formations.

  • He incorporates a lot of cardio exercises in his schedule

Jared Leto’s Instagram feed showcases his commitment to cardio workouts, highlighting a diverse range of activities he engages in to maintain his fitness. From utilizing the elliptical machine to embarking on bike rides, mountain climbing, jogging, or simply going for walks, Leto ensures that cardio remains a staple in his exercise regimen. His dedication to staying active extends even while traveling, where he often opts for walking as a means to keep his workout routine balanced, demonstrating his versatile approach to maintaining cardiovascular health.

Jared Leto is currently filming for his movie “Morbius,” slated for release in 2020. Despite his busy schedule, the actor frequently updates his followers about his workout regimen through social media posts. Fans and followers are keenly anticipating the unveiling of his transformed look for the movie, but details about his new appearance remain under wraps until the film’s release.

Jared Leto Diet Plan and Nutrition

Jared Leto’s approach to his diet has remained relatively clean and health-focused, despite undergoing significant weight fluctuations for various roles. Predominantly adhering to a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, Leto excludes all animal products, including meat, fish, dairy, oils, and eggs, from his diet. Instead, he opts for a nourishing selection of vegetables, fruits, lentils, whole foods, nuts, and complex carbohydrates, with a strong preference for organic options. This dietary choice is driven by his belief that a wholesome diet is crucial for managing his demanding schedule and rigorous training regimes. Not naturally inclined to eat large quantities, Leto spaces out his meals throughout the day. During periods where weight gain was necessary for a role, he found himself in the challenging position of having to force-feed to meet his caloric requirements.

Here are some of the quirks that Jared Leto shares with his fans:

  • Cheatarian

Having adhered to a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle for over twenty years, Jared Leto still allows himself the occasional indulgence. Instead of opting for something like a hamburger, he prefers homemade treats, such as cookies. Leto views these occasional deviations from his strict diet as a valuable aspect of his overall eating routine. He explained in an interview, “If someone’s mom made a cookie and handed it to me, I’d probably take a bite, or if I’m in Alaska and there’s wild salmon out of the river, I’d probably eat it.” This pragmatic approach to his diet reflects Leto’s balanced perspective on nutrition and lifestyle.’

  • Cutting processed foods and alcoholic beverages

Jared Leto maintains a stringent stance against consuming processed foods and artificial flavorings, steering clear of empty calories that offer no nutritional benefits. He believes that avoiding such foods is essential for sustaining an active and demanding lifestyle. To support his dietary preferences, especially given his vegan lifestyle, Leto employs a vegan chef who accompanies him on tours with his band. This chef prepares Leto’s favorite dishes, ensuring they align with his vegan diet, including special treats like vegan hot chocolate, allowing Leto to enjoy his preferred flavors while adhering to his dietary principles.

  • Jared says no to unhealthy means of gaining or losing weight

Jared Leto has openly expressed his opposition to extreme methods of weight loss or gain, reflecting on his own challenging experiences. For a role, he resorted to consuming high-calorie foods such as butter, mayonnaise, and ice cream mixed with olive oil to increase his weight, a process he found difficult due to his aversion to eating large quantities. He shared in an interview, “I’m trying to gain a lot of weight. It means I have to eat every couple of hours — and I’m terrible at eating a lot.” The journey back to his original physique took over a year, during which he also faced significant mental health challenges, including anxiety and depression. These experiences have led him to prioritize meditation and other healthier practices. Reflecting on the ordeal, Jared stated, “It took about a year to get back to a place that felt semi-normal…I’d never do it again; it definitely gave me some problems,” underscoring his commitment to maintaining his well-being without resorting to such extreme measures again.

  • Eating a plant-based diet most of the time

Common perceptions often question the efficacy of a diet devoid of chicken and fish as protein sources, but Jared Leto challenges this notion, exemplifying how one can successfully build and maintain muscle on a vegan or vegetarian diet. He adopted this lifestyle in his teenage years and has been a staunch vegan for over two decades. His diet, characterized by low fats and high carbohydrates, fuels his energy levels throughout the day, proving highly effective for his health and fitness. Leto regards his commitment to veganism as one of the best decisions of his life, a testament to his dedication is the presence of a personal chef who accompanies him on tours to ensure his dietary needs are met consistently. Even during the Carnivore Tour with Linkin Park, he maintained his vegan diet, relying heavily on fruits and vegetables—a stark contrast to the tour’s name, highlighting an interesting paradox. His staunch adherence to veganism earned him the title of the sexiest vegan by PETA in 2014, a recognition that aligns with his lifestyle and values.

Jared Leto’s preferred vegan delicacies and snacks encompass a variety of wholesome and enjoyable options such as popcorn, assorted vegetables, vegan hot chocolate made with almond milk, and buckwheat pancakes. While he predominantly adheres to his vegan diet, Leto acknowledges the occasional indulgence in cheat meals, which may contain dairy or eggs, allowing himself a bit of flexibility in his otherwise strict dietary regimen. However, he maintains a firm stance against consuming meat, steadfastly avoiding it under all circumstances, including during special occasions, reflecting his deep commitment to veganism.

  • He is all about protein shakes. Vegan ones.

Protein plays a crucial role in Jared Leto’s diet, particularly due to his rigorous workout regimen, which necessitates adequate protein intake for recovery and muscle maintenance. Adhering to a vegan lifestyle, Leto employs creativity in selecting his protein sources, steering clear of conventional options such as meat, fish, and eggs. His commitment to veganism extends to his choice of supplements as well; he avoids incorporating animal-derived products like whey protein or collagen into his smoothies or shakes, ensuring his nutrition aligns with his ethical and dietary principles.

Jared Leto prioritizes plant-based proteins in his diet, particularly on days involving intense training. He shared that one of his go-to nutritional staples is a vegan protein smoothie, the recipe for which is quite simple. It includes water or almond milk, ice, vegan protein powder, almond butter, a fruit of his choice for flavor, and a touch of stevia for sweetness. While this concoction may be delicious and nutrient-rich, Leto acknowledges the potential challenge of adhering to such a specific beverage over an extended period, as it might become monotonous or less appealing with time.

  • He ate every two hours

Jared Leto maintains a disciplined eating schedule, consuming food every few hours to ensure his metabolism remains active. Recognizing that he is not inclined to eat large meals, he opts for smaller portions spread throughout the day. This approach is particularly crucial during periods of intense workouts, as consistent nourishment is essential for muscle growth and sustained energy levels. Leto extends this advice to his cast members, encouraging them to adopt a similar eating regimen to support their physical demands and overall well-being.

Eating regularly is particularly important for Jared Leto, given that his meals tend to be less calorie-dense than those containing animal products. One of his favorite vegan dishes is vegan tacos, which he particularly enjoys. Despite admitting to not being the best at managing his diet, Leto emphasizes that vegan tacos are a staple he would never want to forgo, highlighting his preference for this flavorful and satisfying meal.

  • He stays away from alcohol and smoking

People often think that actors and actresses drink and smoke a lot because they go to many social events. Some might do it to relax from their busy schedules. However, Jared Leto doesn’t follow this pattern. Even when he played an addict in “Requiem for a Dream” and spent time on the streets for the role, he stayed away from such substances. While he used to drink a little alcohol in the past, he has not done so for many years now.

Leto shares that in his younger years, he got into trouble for using drugs. Since then, he has changed his lifestyle. He decided he wanted a different life and told Rolling Stone, “At some point, you have to choose what you want your life to be like. I decided to follow other dreams… the risks weren’t worth the rewards. I saw too many bad examples and learned from them.”

What Jared Leto Eats on His Diet

  • Organic Veggies
  • Organic Fruit
  • Whole Grains
  • Unsalted Nuts
  • Almond Milk
  • Olive Oil
  • Egg Substitute
  • Popcorn

What Jared Leto Tries to Avoid on His Diet

  • Meat
  • Dairy
  • Salt
  • Processed Foods
  • Artificial Ingredients
  • Refined Foods
  • Alcohol

Jared Leto’s Extra Supplements

Besides following a healthy diet, Jered Leto takes a lot of supplements due to his intensive schedule and his vegan diet. Here is a list of them:


Getting enough B12 from a vegan or vegetarian diet can be challenging because it’s crucial for heart health, the nervous system, metabolism, and making red blood cells. Since many plant foods lack enough iron, which helps the body absorb B12, it can be hard for those on plant-based diets to get enough of this vitamin.


Even though vegetables and nut milk have calcium, many vegans still don’t get enough of it. Calcium is really important because it keeps our bones strong.

  • ZINC

Zinc helps our immune system, but many people who follow vegan or vegetarian diets don’t get enough of it. So, taking zinc supplements can be a good idea, especially for someone with a busy lifestyle like Jared Leto.


While it’s believed that the sun can give us enough Vitamin D, most people actually don’t get enough Vitamin D from sunlight alone.

  • OMEGA 3S

Our bodies really need Omega fatty acids to work well. They help keep our brain healthy and reduce swelling. Fish, walnuts, and chia seeds are good for Omega, but the most important types, EPA and DHA, usually come from animal foods. So, if you’re vegan or vegetarian like Jared Leto, it’s a good idea to take Omega supplements.

Jared Leto Shares a Vegan Recipe

Jared is very active on his social media and even shared a recipe for his favorite food, buckwheat pancakes! Here’s a recipe:

Organic Buckwheat Pancakes


2/3 cup Arrowhead Mills buckwheat pancake and waffle mix
1 egg substitute
2 tsp olive oil
3/4 cup almond milk (For thicker pancakes, use less liquid. For thinner pancakes, use more liquid.)


  1. Combine all ingredients and stir only until lumps disappear.
  2. Cook on preheated (375 – 400 degrees) lightly oiled griddle or pan, turning when bubbles appear on the surface and the edges begin to dry.

That covers everything about Jared Leto’s lifestyle, including his fitness routines and workout secrets.

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