Emily Blunt Workout Routine and Diet Plan

Emily Blunt has a body that would make many people jealous. On top of that, she is recognized for her fantastic acting abilities and her even more incredible sense of witty humour.

Emily Blunt

Emily Blunt is renowned for maintaining a fit image in the industry, and she achieves this by adhering to simple principles such as eating healthily, getting sufficient sleep, and leading an active lifestyle. For her role in “The Edge of Tomorrow” in 2014, she committed to a rigorous routine, eliminating processed foods, high-sodium items, refined sugar, and saturated fats.

Apart from her disciplined diet, Emily stays active by frequently biking with her partner, taking leisurely walks with her dog, and even enjoying surfing. Balancing these activities, she hits the gym at least 4 to 5 times a week, engaging in Pilates or attending yoga classes.

While working out, Emily has collaborated with various personal trainers, with Tracy Anderson being her favorite due to the stamina-testing cardio sessions. Currently, she trains with Jason Walsh, known for his challenging workout plans and circuit training, having worked with notable celebrities like Emma Stone and Hilary Duff.

Now, let’s delve into Emily Blunt’s workout and diet routine.

Emily Blunt in Tight Spandex Working Out in Los Angeles

Emily Blunt Body Stats:

Height: 5’8

Weight: (approximate) 120 lbs

Date of Birth: February 23, 1983

Age: 41 years (as of 2024)

Emily Blunt Workout Routine

Under the guidance of Jason Walsh, Emily Blunt follows a three-part circuit training workout plan. Designed to elevate the heart rate and enhance core strength, these circuits typically last 25-30 minutes, with appropriate rest intervals between each set. Minimal equipment is needed, usually relying on dumbbells, a stepper, and a pull-up bar. Emily incorporates this routine into her life, faithfully committing to it at least six times a week, dedicating two hours to bolstering her core and cardiovascular strength. Describing the initial experience as brutal yet addictive, Emily stated, “It was brutal at first and then became addictive.”

The workout session initiates with a 10-minute cardio segment to boost the heart rate. Each subsequent set is repeated thrice, with a 60-second break between sets. In addition to the circuit training, the routine encourages engaging in Pilates or yoga at least twice a week to preserve flexibility. Expressing her enthusiasm, Emily shared, “I’ve been working out more recently. I really like doing Pilates as well and yoga and all those lengthening exercises… probably like four, sometimes five times a week!”

emily blunt

Here’ something Jason Walsh has to say about training Emily Blunt:

“In my experience, many individuals don’t find it enjoyable initially. I explain the what and why of our activities, but the actual execution is a completely different experience. The initial visit to the track may feel like the toughest challenge ever. However, over time, it turns into a habit. As you grow stronger and faster, it reaches a point where you’re simply pushing yourself. That’s when it transforms into a fun and rewarding endeavor.”

Here’s a look at Emily’s circuit schedule:

First Circuit 

Repeat three times with 60 seconds of rest in between sets.

  • Side planks (30 seconds on each side)
  • Jump squats (15 reps)
  • Pushups (10 reps)

Second Circuit 

Repeat three times with 60 seconds of rest in between sets.

  • Squat presses (15 reps)
  • Pull-ups (10 reps)
  • Bent over rows (15 reps)

Third Circuit 

Repeat three times with 60 seconds of rest in between sets.

  • Lateral lunges (10 reps on each leg)
  • Step-ups (10 reps on each leg)
  • Straight leg sit-ups (15 reps)

Emily Blunt Diet and Nutrition Plan

Emily Blunt shares a commonality with celebrities like Natalie Portman, Jennifer Garner, and Jessica Biel—they all follow a celebrity food guide and nutritionist, contributing to their impressive appearances. Naturally, there is widespread curiosity about their dietary secrets, creating a desire to know the details of what they consume and avoid.

Having already delved into her workout routine, it’s evident that Emily places a premium on maintaining a healthy and moderate diet. Her daily meals consist of well-balanced components strategically planned throughout the day. Carbs take center stage during breakfast for an energy boost, while both lunch and dinner incorporate protein. Additionally, Emily prioritizes probiotics for a healthy gut, acknowledging that her diet during intense training for a specific look was not about kale chips but was still on track.

Emily consciously steers clear of gluten, limits her coffee intake, and occasionally imparts diet advice. She shared, “My new healthy regime is basically trying to cut out things like pizza—I’m working out, and I’m cutting out pizza.” Her commitment extends to avoiding processed foods, saturated fats, and excessive sugar and salt.

Here’s a glimpse into a typical day of Emily Blunt’s diet:


  • Porridge with blackberries
  • Brown toast (gluten-free if possible) with peanut butter
  • Green tea


  • Tuna salad with a low-fat dressing
  • Miso soup with a brown roll (gluten-free if possible)


  • Courgette lasagne with salad
  • Salmon with steamed asparagus and broccoli

Ensuring hydration, Emily Blunt incorporates hot beverages like chicken soup into her routine, a dish she excels at cooking and considers one of her signature creations. According to her, the ginger in the soup is particularly effective in combating a cold.

In terms of maintaining her physique, Emily emphasizes sustainability and shares health tips with her fans:

Indulgence is important:Emily has never confined herself to fad diets and believes in moderation. She enjoys occasional indulgences, including pasta, cheese, and other “cheat foods.” However, for specific roles requiring a particular appearance, she is willing to temporarily forego these indulgences. During a vacation in Paris, she candidly shared that her diet consisted mainly of cheese and bread.

Emily Blunt maintains an active lifestyle, engaging in activities like biking with her husband, John Krasinski, surfing on the beach, and taking leisurely strolls with her dog. She encourages everyone to find an activity they enjoy to stay active throughout the day.

Promoting a positive body image, Emily refrains from using Photoshop and advocates for others to do the same. In an interview, she expressed her dislike for artificial alterations that create an unrealistic and Barbie-like appearance.

While Emily commits intensively to her film roles, such as in “The Adjustment Bureau,” she adopts a realistic approach to fitness. Instead of adhering to a strict daily routine, she exercises at least 4-5 days a week, incorporating diverse workouts. Her flexibility extends to her diet, and she openly shares her approach, encouraging others to do the same. That concludes a glimpse into Emily Blunt’s workout and fitness philosophy!

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