Daniel Craig Workout Routine and Diet Plan

Anyone unfamiliar with Daniel Craig might not be keeping up with popular culture, as he’s one of Hollywood’s leading stars, best known for his role in the James Bond series. His notable works include major hits like “Casino Royale,” “Skyfall,” and “Bond 25,” where he brings a unique flair to his characters. Widely recognized as the fittest James Bond to date, Craig’s dedication is evident through the numerous injuries he’s endured during filming and the intense challenges he’s faced in his workout routines. He truly has earned his esteemed reputation.

The big question is, how does Daniel Craig maintain his fitness? Since his roles in “Skyfall” and “Bond 25,” his diet and workout routines have been widely discussed online. We’ve delved into his latest diet plan and exercise regimen to give you the inside scoop. What’s in store? Expect a strict regimen with a complete elimination of processed foods and carbohydrates. Here’s everything you need to know.

Daniel Craig Body Stats:

  • Height: 5’10
  • Weight: (approximate) 175 lbs.
  • Date of Birth: March 2, 1968
  • Age: 45 years (as of 2024)
  • Chest: 47 inches
  • Waist: 31 inches
  • Biceps: 16 inches

Daniel Craig’s Diet Plan and Nutrition

Before we dive into the workout routine, let’s discuss the diet plan, which is crucial for achieving fitness goals. For Daniel Craig, consuming the right nutrients is essential to maintain energy levels throughout the day and support his demanding physical activities.

The first step in Daniel Craig’s journey to a healthier lifestyle was quitting smoking, a commitment he made without compromise. He also moderated his alcohol consumption, restricting it to weekends, specifically Fridays and Saturdays. Alcohol can lead to dehydration, which hampers the body’s ability to utilize protein effectively. Therefore, staying hydrated throughout the day is crucial for optimal health and fitness.

Daniel Craig eliminated all processed foods from his diet and adopted the practice of eating small portions throughout the day. He excluded carbohydrates from his meals post-lunch, opting for an abundance of fruits and vegetables instead. His diet consistently included high-quality proteins such as fish, chicken, and eggs at every meal, with protein shakes as a regular addition. While this diet may not be the most exciting, sacrificing favorite foods is often the price for achieving a specific physical appearance for a role, a commitment that, though mundane, ultimately yields significant results.

Daniel Craig is known to eliminate carbohydrates entirely just before filming to appear less bloated on camera. While he strictly avoids junk food, he does consider alcohol to be his guilty pleasure, albeit consumed in moderation.

Here is a sample diet plan of what Daniel Craig follows in his working schedule.

The portion of each of his meals was about:

  • 50% of proteins
  • 30% of healthy fats
  • 20% of carbohydrates


Eggs and Toast – Daniel Craig prefers his eggs poached, a choice aimed at lowering calorie intake, over fried options. For breakfast, he typically enjoys two poached eggs accompanied by two slices of toast, opting for whole wheat bread instead of white to make his meal healthier.

Snack #1

  • Protein Shake – Daniel Craig drinks a very basic protein shake for his snack. He sometimes adds fruits to it for a boost of vitamins and minerals but he also drinks it plain with just water.
  • Fruits and Nuts – Sometimes he swaps his protein shakes for fruits and a bit of nut-like almonds and walnuts which are full of essential fats and nutrients.


  • Meat – Daniel Craig eats a lot of quality meat for his protein. He likes to have chicken breast, fish, eggs, and other protein-rich meat options.
  • Fish – Fish is a great source for omega 3. He loves his salmon, mackerel, herring, trout, sardines, and tuna. He is definitely big on seafood and loves grilled fish now and then.
  • Brown Rice – He ditches white rice for brown rice. It helps him to lower the cholesterol and prevents the clotting of blood. It also helps in proper digestion.
  • Baked Potato – As a source of carbs, he also likes to have baked potatoes occasionally. Sometimes he completely cuts out carbs and has baked potato with the skin on.

Snack #2

  • Protein Shake – His snacks need to have protein in his diet and that means another protein shake for him.
  • Yogurt with Nuts –He loves having some gut-healthy yogurt that serves as a probiotic. He also likes to throw in some nuts along with it so that it is quite a filling snack.


  • Meat –Daniel likes to have meat two times a diet so that it could help him smash those protein goals. He either has a grilled chicken or grilled fish for dinner.
  • Fish – Fish is also another alternative for meat.
  • Leafy Green Vegetables – Green leafy vegetables like spinach and broccoli are low in calories and high in essential nutrients. It makes up for a great filler during his dinner.

To prepare for demanding roles in movies like “Skyfall” and the James Bond series, Daniel Craig aims to increase muscle mass while reducing body fat. Consequently, boosting his protein intake is crucial. This is why he includes protein shakes in his diet twice daily and consumes ample amounts of chicken and eggs to meet his protein needs.

Daniel Craig

Here are some tricks that helped him reach his muscle goals:

Point 1: He Doubled His Calorie and Carb Intake

For his role in “Cowboys and Aliens,” Daniel Craig needed to shed a significant amount of weight. After a prolonged period of dietary restriction, his body quickly began to gain muscle and weight once he resumed normal eating. This rapid change suggests that his anabolic hormones and receptors became highly active upon abandoning the strict diet he followed for his roles, leading to noticeable physical changes.

However, Craig still had to be cautious about what to eat and whatnot. He aimed at striving for a balance when it came to consuming calories.

From a scientific standpoint, muscle building requires targeting approximately 16 calories per pound of body weight. Other factors, such as daily activity levels, may necessitate adjustments to this calorie intake, either increasing or decreasing it based on the individual’s needs. For Daniel Craig, with a body weight of 180 pounds, this calculation set his daily caloric target at 2880 calories to support his muscle-building goals.

To build muscle effectively, the guideline is to consume about 16 calories for each pound of body weight. However, this number might need to be adjusted based on how active you are each day. For someone like Daniel Craig, who weighs 180 pounds, this rule means he should aim for 2880 calories a day to help him build muscle.

Point 2: He Made Sure That He is Getting Sufficient Protein

To gain quality muscle, Daniel Craig boosted his protein consumption, a crucial element in muscle development. He ensured his diet was rich in protein to support muscle growth. Additionally, a high-protein diet aided in fat reduction since proteins are satiating, making you feel full longer. Unlike meals low in protein, which might leave you unsatisfied and prone to overeating, protein-rich meals help in managing hunger effectively.

Consuming a lot of protein in the form of meat and protein shakes helped Daniel Craig to build muscles and get the look that he desired without gaining fat.

The amount of protein one should consume is based on a specific calculation: aiming for 0.8 grams of protein per pound of body weight. For someone like Daniel Craig, who weighs 180 pounds, this meant his target was to consume 144 grams of protein daily.

Here’s something Daniel Craig advises for his fans who are following his lead when it comes to building muscles:

  • Be as dedicated as you can!: Daniel Craig shared, “I quit smoking and worked out five times a week. On weekends, I enjoyed whatever food and drinks I wanted.” Like many, Daniel had to give up some of his favorite indulgences to achieve his fitness goals. Yet, his commitment never wavered. He emphasizes the importance of setting aside harmful habits to avoid derailing one’s fitness objectives.
  • Eat carbs, but not too much: Daniel Craig follows a low-carb diet without completely cutting out carbohydrates, as they are essential for fueling his workouts and providing extra energy. However, the source of these carbs is crucial. He focuses on obtaining carbohydrates from wholesome foods like whole wheat, raw vegetables, fruits, and pulses, while avoiding processed options such as baked goods, pasta, and white bread.
  • High Protein Diet: For a healthy diet, it’s important to eat enough good-quality protein. Daniel Craig mentions, “I was on a high protein diet.” Protein is key for building muscles. His diet is rich in protein shakes, poached eggs for breakfast, and grilled chicken and fish.
  • Importance of supplements and a good night’s sleep:

    Daniel added some key supplements to his routine to get in shape, including creatine, glucosamine, whey protein isolate, and glutamine, alongside his protein-heavy diet. It’s important to talk to a doctor before starting any supplements. Good sleep is also crucial because it’s when the body repairs itself and builds muscle faster. Daniel made sure to get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night and advises his fans to do the same.

Daniel Craig’s Workout Routine

Daniel Craig planned his workouts with a personal trainer to meet his significant fitness goals. Attempting such intense training without expert advice could be risky.

Daniel Craig’s fitness regimen combines weight training with cardio. He engaged in strength training using heavy weights from Monday to Friday. The weekends, Saturdays and Sundays, were dedicated to stretching and cardio exercises.

His trainer, Simon Watson, tells in an interview about his workout schedule. He says,

“The workouts were a blend of power lifting, with a lot of compound exercises thrown in. This allows you to work out extremely hard with heavy weights, and because it’s so intense the heart rate is elevated. Therefore, you are working not only on the development of nice lean muscle tissue, but you’re also getting a bit of cardio as well, and keeping your body fat down.”


Simon Watson continued in the same interview, saying that:

“No stone was left unturned in terms of developing speed, strength, stamina and a sharp, focused mind. I’m a stickler when it comes to attention to detail, so posture, definition, movement and confidence were at the top of the list. I also wanted functioning muscle – there’s no point in having great muscles if they can’t be used in a beneficial way like speeding across the ground, climbing, jumping and fighting.”

Unlike some actors who prefer to focus on one muscle group per day, Daniel Craig chose a different approach. His workout routine involved full-body exercises that engaged his entire body from Monday to Friday. He also minimized rest between sets to keep his heart rate up, effectively blending cardio into his weight training sessions. Since his goal was to build muscle, he limited the amount of cardio to ensure it didn’t interfere with his muscle gains. Here are two reasons for that:

  • Daniel Craig’s goal was to look muscular and not leaner so he wouldn’t indulge in many cardio exercises. If he would have, he would lose all the muscles that he has worked so hard to build.
  • To shed fat effectively, it’s important to build lean muscle, as it helps burn more calories all day long. Relying solely on cardio doesn’t achieve this. Incorporating weight and resistance training into your routine is key to developing lean muscle, which in turn boosts metabolism and increases fat burning. This approach was precisely what Daniel Craig adopted in his fitness regimen.

Daniel Craig’s workout routine didn’t follow the traditional method of focusing on one body part each day. Instead, he opted for circuit training aimed at full-body development. This included compound movements that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously for overall body conditioning.

Daniel’s trainer, Simon Watson said,

It is functional, dynamic, and not aesthetic. It is all about using as much natural body movement as possible. It’s all about adapting exercises to be more efficient, so the body moves through all its natural functions and you are not inhibiting it. I try to keep away from kinds of exercises that are isolating.”

Circuit training involves a series of exercises performed one after another with no rest in between each exercise. Rest periods are taken only after completing a full circuit. Daniel Craig executed 10-15 repetitions for each exercise within his circuits and limited himself to three circuits per workout session.

Designing a Daily Routine and Mixing It Up:

For Daniel and his trainer, having a structured plan is crucial. They organize a weekly schedule from Monday to Sunday, incorporating various activities and variations. This diversity in workouts is key to boosting stamina and endurance.

Cardio for Lean Body:

Daniel incorporated some cardio into his routine, particularly on weekends, opting for light sessions to avoid muscle loss. He also integrated cardio into his weight training by performing exercises at a quicker pace and minimizing rest between each set. Instead of relying heavily on lengthy treadmill sessions for weight loss, he focused on maintaining an efficient and balanced approach to his workouts.

Daniel’s strategy of taking minimal rest between exercises helped keep his heart rate elevated throughout his workouts. This approach not only aided in muscle building but also enhanced his endurance and increased fat burning, making his exercise sessions more efficient and effective.

Sometimes Daniel also did HIIT (High-intensity interval training) and Low-Intensity Cardio workouts to keep up with the fat loss.

Active Rest:

Daniel restricted his workout sessions to five days a week, ensuring he had ample time for rest and recovery. Over the weekends, he engaged in light exercises and stretching, aiding his body in recuperating from the week’s intense workouts.

He incorporated light cardio activities such as yoga and some swimming into his routine to maintain mobility and endurance. These activities helped him recover effectively, allowing him to start each week feeling rejuvenated.


Daniel emphasizes the importance of thorough warm-up and cool-down sessions surrounding his main workout. For warm-ups, he engages in activities such as jogging or rowing, where he typically rows 300m in the first set and repeats another 300m in the second set. This routine helps activate his energy levels, priming him for the main workout session.

Daniel Craig Workout Day One: Chest and Triceps


A 10-minute jog

Power Circuit:

3 Rounds and 10 Reps of Each

Incline Bench Press

Skull Crushers

Incline Push-Ups



Flat Bench Press


Overhead Tricep Extension


Close Grip Bench Press


Chest Flys


Daniel Craig Workout Day Two: Shoulders and Traps


10 minutes cardio of choice

Power Circuit:

3 Rounds and 10 Reps of Each

Clean and Press

Chin Ups

Dumbbell Shrugs



Military Press


Barbell Shrugs


Shoulder Front Raise


Arnold Press


Daniel Craig Workout Day Three: Legs and Calves


A 10-minute jog

Power Circuit:

3 Rounds and 10 Reps of Each

Jump Squats

Calf Raises on Raised Surface

Box Jumps

Jumping Lunges


Back Squat


Calf Raises (Weighted)


Weighted Step Ups


Hamstring Curls


Daniel Craig Workout Day Four: Back and Biceps


A 10 minutes cardio of choice

Power Circuit:

Wide Grip Pull-Ups

Hammer Curls


Bent over rows




Preacher Curls


Lat Pulldowns


Cable Rows


Saturday – Stretching and Light Cardio

Weekends are about light cardio for the body to recover. Daniel did not lift any kind of weights during the weekends. He did a lot of stretching exercises and light cardio like bicycling, jogging, or going on long walks. He just made sure to keep his blood flowing.

Sunday – Stretching and Light Cardio

Daniel Craig allows himself a “cheat meal” on Saturdays, but he balances it out by dedicating Sunday to stretching and cardio sessions. This approach helps him maintain focus and consistency in his routine while enhancing his metabolism. The cardio session following a cheat day is also beneficial for burning off any excess calories consumed.

Daniel’s personal trainer commends his commitment, stating, “Luckily Dan was not shirking when it came to hard work, so I devised a program that had diversity and would suit the role of Bond, pushing him to his limits and beyond.” Undertaking a high-intensity workout regimen demands considerable dedication, especially without considering giving up.

Daniel ensured his workouts were brief but never compromised on intensity. He minimized rest periods and increased his repetitions, a technique that proves beneficial for long-term fitness and strength gains.

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