Charlize Theron Workout Routine and Diet Plan

Charlize Theron, known for her athleticism, is a South African actress famous for roles in “Prometheus,” “Aeon Flux,” and “Monster.” She’s also featured in “Top Chef,” “The Huntsman” movies, and notably in “Mad Max: Fury Road,” where she underwent rigorous training for her demanding role. Additionally, Theron showcased her well-toned body in the elegantly produced J’adore commercial, where she is seen gracefully revealing her physique.

Charlize Theron’s impressive appearance in her roles is the result of dedicated effort. She has adhered to a strict diet and consistently managed to fit in her workout sessions to embody the MI6 agent we admire on screen.

Charlize Theron

Charlize Theron Body Stats:

Height: 5’10

Weight: (approximate) 120 lbs.

Date of Birth: August 7, 1975

Age: 48 years (as of 2023)

Butt Size: 36 inches

Breast Size: 36 inches

Waistline: 24 inches

Charlize Theron Diet Plan and Nutrition

On a typical day, Charlize Theron opts for a predominantly plant-based raw diet, aligning her with celebrities like Beyonce, Miley Cyrus, and Gisele Bundchen, who also embrace veganism or strict plant-based eating habits. Additionally, Theron is cautious to abstain from alcohol, and she has discussed the positive effects this choice has had on her diet. She said in an interview,

“I have juices and kale and green salads every day. When I’m eating healthily, getting enough sleep and not drinking alcohol, that’s when I look my best. That’s when I’m happiest, and I think it shows.”

Charlize Theron’s diet mainly consists of organic vegetables, adequate protein, and plenty of fruits to ensure she receives essential nutrients. She avoids processed foods, fried items, bread, pasta, and foods high in saturated fats.

Charlize Theron openly shares her food preferences, and if you follow her on social media, you’ll notice her occasional indulgences. She’s known to enjoy ribs and has a particular fondness for Flamin’ Hot Cheetos. Her snacking choices also include olives and pickles. Theron believes in not imposing strict restrictions on herself and advocates that enjoying “cheat” foods in moderation is perfectly acceptable.

Potato chips are Charlize Theron’s favorite indulgence; she has a strong preference for salty flavors. For a role that required her to gain 50 pounds, she took the opportunity to fill her home with these salty snacks, enjoying them frequently.

“During an interview on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” Charlize Theron shared, “I ate a lot of everything, but my drug of choice is potato chips. I had a bag in the car, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, on the couch, in my trailer. Everywhere I went, there was just a bag of chips.
However, here is a sample of her diet during the normal, non-cheat days:
  • Breakfast – She likes to have a simple breakfast of oats and fruits for quality energy.
  • Snacks – She loves to snack on light yogurt or one piece of fruit which is all that is needed for mid-morning cravings.
  • Lunch – For lunch, Charlize Theron ensures she has a balanced meal, typically including lean protein like chicken or fish, accompanied by a simple salad or steamed vegetables. Soups are another preferred option as they provide both satiety and nutrients, keeping her energized. On busy days when there’s no time for a sit-down meal, she occasionally opts for meal replacement shakes as a quick alternative.
  • Snacks – The afternoon snack will be an extra piece of fruit, usually a banana for the added energy and fiber.
  • Dinner – In the evenings, Charlize Theron focuses on consuming more fiber, filling her plate with a variety of vegetables and salads. The size and composition of her dinner often depend on how substantial her lunch was earlier in the day.
  • Snacks – She has another snack after her last meal. A final snack of the day may include another piece of fruit, few nuts, or cottage cheese before she hits the bed.

Here are some of the tricks that Charlize Theron likes to follow to keep herself fit:

  • Raw Foods

Charlize Theron prefers raw and organic vegetables and enjoys having salads with every meal. She’s also fond of freshly pressed juices and smoothies, incorporating them regularly into her diet.

  • Carb Trick

Theron consumes the majority of her carbohydrates earlier in the day and pairs them with Vitamin C, which she believes helps reduce cortisol levels.

  • Mini Meal v/s Regular Meals

Theron prefers to split her daily food intake into six smaller meals rather than three large ones. This approach aids in maintaining her energy levels and supports weight management.

  • Fat Burning Tea

Theron enjoys crafting her own tea blend using matcha green tea, lemon juice, and cinnamon to enhance her metabolism. She clarifies that she doesn’t rely on detox diets or teas for weight loss. This homemade tea concoction, she notes, assisted her in shedding 30 pounds after her role in the movie “Joker.”

Here is a list of what Charlize Theron includes in her daily diet:

  • Raw organic vegetables
  • Organic fresh fruit
  • Kale
  • Salads
  • Oatmeal
  • Hemp seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Egg whites
  • Organic peanut butter
  • Matcha green tea
  • Coconut oil
  • Cinnamon
  • Lemon juice

Here is a list of what all Charlize Theron make sure to avoid in her diet:

  • Refined sugar
  • Processed foods
  • Junk food
  • Chips
  • French fries
  • Pizza
  • Hydrogenated oils
  • Chemical additives
  • Alcohol

Theron believes that her mental well-being is the key motivator for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. In an interview with Ellen DeGeneres, she discussed how her unhealthy eating habits for her role in “Tully” left her feeling “lethargic and tired all the time.” The impact was so significant that it even led to a period of depression.

“The hardest thing for me was I wasn’t prepared for how that amount of processed food will affect your mood, and I dealt with depression for the first time,” she said. “What they say about, you know, what you eat is kind of who you are is so true. I ate like a person who just didn’t move, and I felt like that. That was a hard thing to break because it’s more mental than it is almost physical.”

Theron’s necessary evil is a glass of wine and she still drinks on occasion. However, she admits that she feels best without it and plenty of sleep.

Charlize Theron Workout Routine

Despite Charlize Theron mentioning she’s “lucky I’ve never been a couch potato,” she still places significant importance on her workout regimen. She’s a fan of Pilates, even stating, “It’s totally changed my body.” Theron is mindful about staying active throughout the day, saying, “I’m always calculating my activity. If I haven’t moved much, I can’t eat much. Or it might be a cheat day. But I stay honest with myself.

As a mother of two, Theron finds creative ways to explain her gym visits to her children. She shares, “When I’m about to exercise and my kids ask, ‘Where are you going?’ I tell them I’m going somewhere to make sure my heart stays strong for a very, very long time.

In addition to Pilates, Theron enjoys power yoga and spin classes, committing to four to five workout sessions per week, each lasting between 60 to 90 minutes. She believes in the joy of exercise, saying, “I’ve always thought that if you find an activity you love, working out won’t feel like a chore. I’m a fan of outdoor activities. Recently, my mom introduced me to tennis. I wasn’t great at it, but I had a lot of fun. Engaging in exercises you enjoy helps you stay fit effortlessly,” she explained in an interview.

Here are some tips that Charlize Theron gives to her fans:
  • Keeping It Regular

Maintaining regular exercise is crucial for keeping the blood and energy flowing. Theron ensures she works out four to five times a week with her personal celebrity trainer, Fedele De Santis.

  • Keep It Lean

She likes to keep it lean and therefore does resistance training and other activities that do not involve lifting many weights.

  • Keep The Heart Pumping with Cardio

She also adds a lot of cardio to her workouts to keep them slim. It also helps her to increase the heart rate and blood flow.

  • Big on Spin Classes

Theron is a fan of spin classes, participating in them at least four times a week. Additionally, she practices power yoga to maintain her mobility and endurance.

  • Pilates Power

Pilates helps a lot with sculpting the whole body. Theron loves a great pilates workout.

  • Seek What You Love To Do

Charlize Theron emphasizes the importance of enjoying your activities, believing that if you don’t love what you’re doing, you’re less likely to stick with it. She encourages everyone to find an activity that keeps their heart active and blood flowing, suggesting that picking an outdoor activity can be particularly beneficial.

Theron’s Workout:

Charlize Theron, who has a background in dance, has her workouts tailored to reflect that by her fitness trainer, De Santis. Her exercise routine engages multiple muscle groups, and she uses dumbbells under 5 pounds to stay lean without bulking up. In addition to her regular training, she also includes a 30-minute cardio circuit.

All that you’ll need: 3 and 5 lb. dumbbells, an exercise mat, a bench, an 18-pound exercise ball, tricep pushdown machine.

60 sec. x 3 sets. 1 min. rest between sets
Kettlebell swing
Kettlebell deadlift
Kettlebell goblet squat
Kettlebell walking lunge

Resistance bands & bodyweight exercises
Resistance band front squat: 40 sec. x 3 sets. 1 min. rest between sets.
Resistance band reverses lunges: 40 sec. x 3 sets. 1 min. rest between sets.
Resistance band overhead squat: 30 sec. x 3 sets. 45 sec. rest between sets.
Wall sit for 75 sec. x 3 sets. 30-sec rest between sets.

Full body routine
3 and 5 lb. dumbbells, an exercise mat, a bench, an 18-pound exercise ball, tricep pushdown machine.
Pliés in 2nd position: 35-50 reps
Seated biceps curl: 60 reps w. 5 lb. dumbbells
Side lateral: 35 reps/side w. 3 lb. dumbbells
Butt lift: Raise and lower hips, squeezing glutes, in the bridge position. 75 reps.
Bicycle crunches: 60 reps
Plank: 60+ sec.
Bench press using 18 lb. exercise ball: 60 reps
Triceps pushdown: narrow grip. 35 reps

Fight training
A shadowbox, bag work, core, MMA training.

Power yoga: 90 min. 2x/week.

Spin class: up to 4/week.

De Santis aims to help her clients achieve a stronger yet leaner physique and has been training Theron for over two years. Describing Charlize Theron, De Santis states, “Charlize is incredibly serious, focused, and professional. She doesn’t mess around and is intensely committed. She’s so determined—I even call her Thundercat!”

De Santis shares a tip for training effectively, similar to Theron’s regimen, saying, “Ensure that your grip is narrow for every exercise. A wide grip tends to make muscles grow wider and can give your body a more masculine appearance.”

That’s all about the diet and fitness routine of Charlize Theron along with few tips by her and her personal trainer, De Santis.

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